I Am Elevated

Gentle On My Mind - bonus meditation only

James Ellis - Endure Nutrition, Health & Fitness Season 1 Episode 3

If you would like to listen to the meditation only from Gentle On My Mind, it can be found in this bonus edition of The Nutrition Lab. Please bear in mind, this was recorded at the end of a discussion, hence some references are made to things previously said. This does not affect your ability to listen and use the meditation however.

Episode notes from Gentle On My Mind below

Our guts and brain are inextricably linked through the vagus nerve that deals with parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system control of the heart, lungs, and digestive tract. As research into the connection between the two increases and more is also understood about the microbiome, people are increasingly referring to the gut as the second brain.

In this episode of The Nutrition Lab, James speaks to Yasmina Cherquaoui of Ready, Steady Glow (www.readysteadyglow.uk) about meditation, mindfulness and the gut-brain connection. Yasmina is an experienced yoga and meditation teacher and qualified nutrition and health coach. She runs retreats and workshops in the UK and internationally, guiding clients to be happier and healthier versions of themselves. Yasmina runs weekly online yoga classes open, details can be found on her Instagram @iamyasminac

The discussion ends with a 15-minute guided meditation - so please do not listen to this section while engaging in driving, using heavy machinery or any other activity where you cannot give 100 percent of your attention to the podcast.

Yasmina and James' recommended mindfulness apps

Insight Timer - Free resource with lots of guided meditations, but can also be used as a timer 

Calm and Headspace - guided meditations with free trials. Both really great for those new to meditation

Cleveland Clinic Stress Free Now - great meditation app from respected US institution